M Sphere Rewards Kiosks

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Access Exclusive Promotions, Offers, Games, and More


Introducing our new M Sphere Rewards promotional kiosks. These units enable you to redeem promotions, check your tier status and much more. Be sure to get an M Sphere Rewards card on your next visit to take advantage of everything the rewards program has to offer.

You can now review and update your account information, play exciting promotions, and earn and activate electronic entries into drawings simply by swiping your M Sphere Rewards card at any promotional kiosk located on the casino floor.

No more waiting in line at the M Sphere Rewards desk! You can access this information any time you want at an easy-to-use kiosk. Here’s how it works:

  1. Swipe your M Sphere Rewards card.
  2. Enter your PIN.
  3. Select the button for what screen you want to see.



Visit this screen to see available promotions and events during your visit, or simply select a future date to check out what’s coming the next time you join us.


Dining, Hotel, Gaming, and Amenities

Select any of these screens to scan a QR code and access the most up-to-date information about all of your favorites.



Go to this screen to play a fun game or activate electronic drawing entries.


Account Info

Need to update your email address or phone number? Want to see how close you are to earning the next tier? Want to see your rewards? You can do it here anytime.

Note: The kiosk will ask if you need more time after 15 seconds of inactivity in order to safeguard your personal information.